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A Big Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Sponsorship and Support

Silicon Valley Fusion is a non-profit organization that will use support and sponsorship to assist our players, assuring all qualified players have an opportunity to play and grow with the game. Please support Fusion softball.

► Corporate sponsorship and matching programs

► Mid-tier and community foundation sponsorship

► Small business and individual family support and sponsorship

Businesses, community organizations, and individuals should contact us via email

Softball Focused Audience
Players Wanting to Return
Teams Traveling more than 10 days a season

Did you know you can support Fusion Fastpitch every time you shop on Amazon? You can, and it doesn’t cost you a penny extra. Flame receives half of one percent of every purchase, and as a nonprofit, every little bit helps. 🙂

Shop to Support Fusion

Happy Holidays, and Go Fusion!